Monday, November 24, 2008

Snowboarding Withdrawals...

I have this question weighing on my mind... what is my sanity worth? A little over a month ago I rushed out on a Sunday afternoon to the Vancouver Snow Show in order to purchase a One-Night a Week pass for Grouse Mountain. It was a really great deal... except for one little hitch; yeah I saved over 60% on the pass, but is a mere $220 really worth going insane over? Before purchasing this pass I carried only a small desire to get up the mountain... since? I have been craving that white powder like a crack addict. Luckily I have found a solution to my problem and it has come in the form of a Wii balance board and the game Shaun White Snowboarding: Road Trip. I like to think of it as crack-lite, it's great! So as I patiently await the skies to open above Grouse, Cypress and Hemlock; the snow to start falling; and the local mountain season to begin... I have SW Snowboarding to keep me sane, what do you have?

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