Sunday, November 2, 2008

Lewis takes it in stunning style!

Today, in arguably the most exhilarating final two laps of a Formula 1 Championship Lewis Hamilton became the youngest ever Formula 1 Champion! After a dastardly move by the BMW driver Robert Kubica with only two laps to go Sebastian Vettel (a future champion in his own right) was able to get the upper hand on Hamilton and pass him the Scuderia Toro Rosso, putting Hamilton in 6th place, out of the Championship by one point. Then, with less than one lap to go, the racing gods shone on Hamilton and the skies opened up and the Toyota of Timo Glock (still riding on dry weather tires) lost all of his advantage and Hamilton was able to pass him on the final corner for 5th place and the Championship. The quintessential moment that summed of the feelings in the pit lane was when the cameras went from the garage of the celebrating Vodafone McLaren team and Hamilton family to that of the celebrating Scuderia Ferrari and Massa family immediately as they got the news that Hamilton came in 5th. Oh, and although no one in the media is mentioning this, I will, Hamilton is also the first ever Black Formula 1 driver and now the first ever Black Formula 1 Champion! Congrats to Massa on the brilliant drive to 1st, but the day belongs to Hamilton hands down. Light skinned boys 2, everyone else 0!

1 comment:

the bowel movement said...

seriously, you couldn't find a hotter picture of the lewis? haha he looks goofy here. which is too bad, cuz he's so hot.