Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My New MacBook!

Yesterday I decided to finally take the leap into a life of MacNess... by purchasing a brand new, aluminum bodied MacBook.  My progression to MacNess started slowly.  After my Sony Minidisc (do you remember those?) died, I purchased my first iPod, the original Shuffle.  I used my Shuffle for nearly a year until the now extinct Video iPod was released, then I upgraded to a 30gig iPod video, which I used for about 8 months.  That was then sold to a friend of mine when the 160gig iPod Classic was introduced (the move to this also required me to purchase a 270gig external hard drive).  My next move into MacNess came a few months later when the iPhone was still in its early life.  Ignoring my better judgement I sold my Samsung Slider, retired my Palm Treo and purchased the 8gig iPhone at a Mac store in the states (which of course I unlocked) and never looked back.  Now, 4 years after replacing my first laptop (which died catastrophically) with a Dell laptop, I have replaced the my now ailing PC with my first MacBook and I couldn't be happier.  There is some getting used to this computer that will have to take place over the next few months, but it was an investment in my future... an investment in LoveHate Apparel... and I love it.

1 comment:

Jiamei said...

I can't believe it. I've been eyeing one of these for about a month now. Haven't taken the bite, but probably will after the holidays.