Sunday, January 4, 2009

LoveHate Handled Shopping Bag...

Just put this design together... thinking about getting this manufactured in a few different colors. Thinking this color and a few pastels... thoughts?

1. What are your thoughts on the pattern?
2. What colors would you like to see it in?
3. How important is the reusable shopping bag to you?


Unknown said...

1. I like the logo! Ps. Tessellations :D

2. Bright blue and yellow

3. Reusable shopping bags are in. :]

marjolyn said...

1. I like the pattern - although I'm usually more magnetic towards simpler patterns and not so much the repetitive ones, it's still a good pattern.
2. keeping the logo colours consistent helps so that when people actually see the logo they can recognize it as yours - but it would be nice to change it up a bit and even go back to the kindergarten hues: red, blue, yellow....A mint green and grey would be nice too!
3. reusable shopping bags rock - all i use are reusable shopping bags when i go grocery shopping...what will the bag be made of? recycled fibres?